Monday, February 4, 2013

Granada con Tias

     Just enjoyed a WONDERFUL week sailing the Strait of Gibraltar with my aunts! Adjusting back to "normal" life here in Granada after an amazing vacation. Crazy how I never thought Granada would never feel like "home" here but after being away on vacation it sure did feel good to get back to my casa here in Spain with sweet Mercedes. Classes started today, I only had one and the professor never showed up... So it's been a pretty easy first day of classes. ;)

     I have so many pictures of the week that I'm sure it will take more than just one blog to summarize all my happenings. I really enjoyed showing Cheryl and Luann around Granada before we left Tuesday for Gibraltar.
Here's a few pictures of our wanderings. :)

It was super fun to show them my school. Glad we didn't run into any of my professors that night, how would have I explained why I wasn't home studying for the final?! ;)

Then I took them to my favorite park!
This time, I made sure to look at the gate closing schedule. 
No worries, we were out of the park WAY before closing! ;D

 I really appreciated the opportunity to share with them all the sights I've been enjoying here in Granada. And I think they enjoyed them too! 
 It was absolutely AMAZING to be with my aunts for the whole week! 
Great memories! :) 

More photos to come... 


  1. Was sooo wonderful to be there with ya! Thanks for being a terrific niece/tour guide! love ya & miss ya already! Tia Luann

  2. I'm sure the tias enjoyed having a knowledgeable tour guide in Granada :)
